Friday, May 31, 2013

funny lookin' dude

My dear friend Jan Pfeiffer-Rios and I summer 2012 @Wellesley

Too hot today to do much more than post this picture. Scurrying downstairs where it's cooler to stitch, do laundry and most of everything today. No relief in sight until Monday. :|

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Diva series: P.S.

Some of my favorite moments from Mae West movies (mostly with Cary Grant, of whom she was a great proponent early in his career).

I'm no angel (1933) See esp. about 1 minute in.

She done him wrong (1933) I think my favorite is "oh, I don't know, hands ain't everythin'." About 5 minutes in.

Night after night (1932).  Dig her Brooklyn accent with "they'll wreck the joint"

Acupuncture appt. today, tootling, toddling, building the house of cards that his the Wellesley Chamber Music Center ensembles.

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells