Monday, May 31, 2010

More from April 7

Of course the lawns have greened up quite a bit since this April 7 shot. Other photos are textures & a "an apple (or in this case tree?) doesn't fall too far from" etc. Or "like father, like son."
Didn't make it out yesterday to toddle but will immediately after I send this - I much prefer getting out early in the day - especially on a holiday when the streets are quieter and the temps lower.

Then more tootling and I've sworn that this will be a big paper day when I get to at least part of these piles next to where I type. I've already gone through several sections of newsprint - reading about, inter alia, new federal educational initiatives (that, oddly from a Democratic administration, subvert union contracts), muons, auto-pilot's negative influence on flight safety, & the court's recent decision barring life sentences for defendants under the age of 13. Only about five miles' worth of papers yet to go. (I exaggerate only slightly).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

April 7

These from April 7, including an odd twin combo, a dragon's lair, skyscape & study in perspective.

Supposedly heading up to 87F today. Blech. I have the windows closed & the curtains drawn in an attempt to keep the cool in until lower temps prevail - promised for tomorrow.
I'll take my toddle soon to avoid the highest temps. Then tootling & stitching - I'm making something out of the rainbow yarn I bought on Fri. @ the Stitch House, but I'm not sure exactly what.

I caught a snippet of Speaking of Faith on the radio this morning - on yoga & compassion "Matthew Sanford's body was permanently altered in a car accident — at the age of 13 — that killed his father and sister. He's spent the last quarter century in a wheelchair. He describes his unusual experiences of the mind-body connection through paralysis and yoga. We explore what he's learned about the grace of the human body even through trauma and aging." I'll give it a listen later today.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

More from April

The final photos from 5.Ap.2010's toddle. The one of the living room is moi, taking a picture of moi's shadow on the wall. It looked more interesting when it was a shadow of me practicing but how does one take a picture of that en jouant?

Went to Dorchester Stitch House yesterday to meet a charming young knitting designer Stephen West - who's heading to Amsterdam for a 4-year choreography course @ the end of the summer. Talk about multi-talented. And of course, I bought more yarn - this to be made into a shawl that Mr. West designed.

Must get out for a toddle today & then tootling & laundry before the heat hits tomorrow. And then there are the piles of stuff next to this desk . . . .must be genetic.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Martian invasion and more

Another batch from 5.Ap.2010, including a martian lawn invasion, a decked-out Easter tree & some forsythia, etc.

Beautiful day here again today 65F currently, heading up to low 70sF. Horribly hot by Sunday & Monday, Memorial Day, but they've been wrong before.

Heading out in a few minutes to acupuncture, then maybe to the Dorchester Stitch House since there's a designer visiting there who's patterns Andy's interested in.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Early blooms

OK, OK. I'm posting this & then off the computer for the day (more or less) & off to toddle to the P.O. & then around the neighborhood.
These from 5.April.2010
Beautiful day here today - after 90+F yesterday we're only getting to the upper 60sF today. Yippee.
Horrid heat scheduled for later in the weekend so I'm soaking in the cool today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Easter walk

Here are pictures I took on my Easter toddle. A prairie style (?) house, a composition in rectangles, still life with cat, spitting sun, school mural, and blooms, etc.

Heading up to 90 again today - already 82F - best I get out for my walk - or maybe I'll wait until later when they promise it will be cooler. On va voir.

Shoulder still painful - must remember to sit straight @ the computer & not reach for the mouse so much.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last batch

Last photos from 3.April.2010. Including a singing tree, forsythia around our house, paved paradise & a trinity house.

Shoulder still hurting from computer work the other day. So minimal application again today. I imagine flute practicing & stitching also aggravate but don't want to curtail _those_.

Beautiful day today - heading up to 90F tomorrow (ugh) fortunately only a 1.5 day stint so I hope the house doesn't warm up too much.

Not to mention farmer Andy. Is that plumber-butt I spy?

Toddling over to the P.O. to mail back the latest Mad Men installment. Jon Hamm. Hubba, hubba!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More houses

I really went house-made on 3.April.2010. Notice the blue door on the yellow house.

Spent WAY too much time on Wellesley stuff yesterday - @ the computer so much that my mouse shoulder is giving me grief today - not exactly ergonomic set up here. Think that'll learn me?

So, minimal W-work today. More tootling & toddling. Maybe best go out now & avoid the showers we're promised later in the day. (is there anyone whose promises are broken more often than weather forecasters'?)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

April 3

Well, a hiatus in posting again - finalizing Wellesley groups, spending all yesterday afternoon sending out assignments, putting out fires, etc., etc., etc. A lesson in diplomacy, for sure.
Martians(?), porches, odd facades and random houses caught my eye on this 3.April.2010 toddle.
The possible martians disguised as dried flowers are from behind our local library branch that, fortunately, seems to have avoided the cost-cutting ax this time.

A lovely weekend on tap with temps forecast to be in the low 70F range. Right now 56F & hazy sun. Off to the P.O. & an early morning toddle. Couldn't sleep until well after midnight last night. Have no idea why I awoke shortly after 6. :|

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yellow day

Well, April 2, 2010 was certainly a day for yellow.
We could use a little brightness today - cloudy, mid-fifties - but tomorrow it's due to hit 77F-ish - and frankly, I prefer wearing my sweaters. Why else do I knit them?
Tootling, probably no toddling unless I don my rain gear, and stitching in the personal forecast.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Early spring

Here are some house shots, some tree elbows & Ashmont Hill in early spring.

Got to do some toddling today since the forecast for the next few days is rain, rain, rain. Flute & picc tootling & laundry in the mix, too. HOPING we can get our Wellesley groups squared away in the near future to send the assignments out to folks (and PRAY for no changes).

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells