Monday, May 3, 2010

En tricotant

Thought you might be interested to see moi in my latest finished Handmaid, Unltd. creation, working on my newest one.

Hot & humid - still boiling water. Just bought two largish hand sanitizers for hand cleansing & some plastic utensils & we're waiting for our bleach rinse water to be ready to finally wash some dishes. Good news: there's apparently treated water being sent down the pipes but the bad stuff still needs to be flushed out of the system so it'll be another couple days at least. Andy just told me that Cambridge has its own water supply so isn't affected by this debacle. Is it worth it to schlep to Harvard to take a safe shower in their gym facilities? One thing I haven't heard addressed is the environmental impact of those millions of gallons of treated, chlorinated/floridated water cascading into the Charles River.

No Melrose rehearsal tonight, yippee! But that Firebird variation is staring me in the face and you KNOW we're going to take it lickety split.

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells