Of course the lawns have greened up quite a bit since this April 7 shot. Other photos are textures & a "an apple (or in this case tree?) doesn't fall too far from" etc. Or "like father, like son."

Didn't make it out yesterday to toddle but will immediately after I send this - I much prefer getting out early in the day - especially on a holiday when the streets are quieter and the temps lower.

Then more tootling and I've sworn that this will be a big paper day when I get to at least part of these piles next to where I type. I've already gone through several sections of newsprint - reading about, inter alia, new federal educational initiatives (that, oddly from a Democratic administration, subvert union contracts), muons, auto-pilot's negative influence on flight safety, & the court's recent decision barring life sentences for defendants under the age of 13. Only about five miles' worth of papers yet to go. (I exaggerate only slightly).
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