Sunday, September 27, 2015

DC 2013.04.13 deux

Pix from the west wing of the National Gallery & environs, including a video of some sort of Sikh parade (I think). The things one sees in DC.
The world at our feet

Saturday, September 26, 2015

DC 2013.04.13 un

Pix today from the West wing of the National Gallery, and in & around Pam's house. Off soon for a Polarity treatment, then to the Dorchester Stitch House to celebrate their 8th birthday. Rumor has it there will be cake. :)

Pam's back yard

One of Pam's mirror paintings


Pam's front yard

Parade balloons

Outside Dept. of Labor?

The rest are from the West Wing of the National Gallery

Kitties - sorry for the blur

That's Pam in the red jacket

Friday, September 25, 2015

DC six

Same in French as in English, so it's easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Apparently the last of the small French paintings, the first by one of my faves, Odilon Redon. And videos of a couple lovely fountains.

Gorgeous out there today - mid 60s F. Tootling & most like likely toddling on tap, and stitching, of course.


The Freer Gallery courtyard

Thursday, September 24, 2015

DC cinq

More pix from in & around the Mall. Dramatic cloudscapes included. The 2nd through 5th images were Ellsworth Kelly silkscreens (I think) that had annoying glass in front of them that sadly reflected what was behind me & so distracted from the image. Don't know _why_ museums do that to artworks. Though I suppose I could call it a feature & not a bug and say it enhances the experience. OK, that's my story & I'm sticking to it.

DC's favorite phallic symbol

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

DC 2013 quatre

More small French paintings. Heading off to Cambridge in a bit for our occasional run to Whole Foods & Trader Joe's. Then most likely some laundry - and stitching. Maybe this week Wednesday will be my day off.

One of my absolute favorite artists

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells