Monday, February 24, 2014

Blue shadows

We always think shadows are gray, don't we? But I think the Fauves and others had it right, that they're usually not. Including what I call blue shadows, here are a still life with puss and napping Mimsy. Shots from 14, 15 & 17.Feb.2013.

Napping puss

Blue Shadows

Still life with puss

Beginning the marathon week of Melrose rehearsals and concert (3 reh. & the concert on Sat.). Then we begin the dreaded The Composer Is Dead. Thank goodness I've had that part for awhile.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feline friends

Shots today from 27.Jan & 10 & 11.Feb.2013.

The Grand Poobah, Potter

Dramatic Potter

Ollie & Riley from Clare & Jeff's next door

Mimsy, the burrowing cat

Off to tootle, laundry & stitching & a toddle to the Post Office.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nature's beauty and curious cat

Today's slices of life from 23 & 24.Jan.2013. Some of the frost shots remind me of flowers, some of sun spots & some, mountains. Of course now I wish I'd taken a movie of Snitch's curiosity. Off mid-morning to acupuncture - rain on top of all our snow forecast for this afternoon. Wonderful. :|

Like an aquarium

Frost mountians

Frost mountains 2

Sun spots

What's that?

Can't quite see what it is.

Maybe if I can just get a little closer . . .

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winter cats

Some photos from 18-22.Jan.2013. The good news: we didn't lose power in the "storm" last night; the bad: we only got about 3" when the forecast was 4-8. The other good news, when I got up & looked out the window, I discovered our across-the-street neighbor had snowblew (snowblowed?) our sidewalk & driveway.

Making sure those damned outdoor cats stay there

My nose is cold

Nap time

Yes, that is our funky, old chair

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine flowers

A little something to brighten your Valentines' Day (remember you can click on the image to see a bigger picture). Photo taken 11.Feb.2014. Amazing what a little plant food did to the number of blossoms & leaves.

Off soon to the P.O. then tootling & stitching on tap.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer

If you're sick of winter (definitely not moi), I thought I'd forward this from a fellow Raveler that had me laughing out loud. Something to look forward to (definitely not moi). (Can you say Mr. Potato Head?)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Où sont les neiges d'antan

Some shots from January, 2013. Potter's in almost the exact same place this AM - she does like sun bathing in the winter. Today's blog title is from a Villon poem Ballade des dames du temps jadis.

My nose is cold
Side yard

From the kitchen window

Guest room window & fire bush

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Still life with cats

Some photos from 5 & 8.Jan.2013. Bright & sunny out there. Off soon to tootle. With a wind chill of 9F, probably will forgo toddle today.

Coming & going

Someone taking my picture?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Let it snow, le tit snow. let it snow

Heading out the door soon to tutor two tooters, but wanted to get this up. Some shots from the storm we had Wed. and the sweet cat tracks that followed it.

I think Darryl got a cold tummy
trudging through this snow

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells