Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Roses, peonies, porches & textures

From a walk 31.May.2010.
Was amazed at how many porches had the same detail treatment.
Wonder if they were all built around the same time.
Then textures caught my eye, as did roses & peonies, and a red door.

Heading out soon for a toddle to the P.O. before it gets too hot -
then some tootling & lunch with a friend.

Then back for some picc practice, interspersed with stitching & trying to stay cool.

Hurricane Earl headed this way by week's end. Will we get some rain? More? Stay tuned.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Neighborhood shots

Some pix from 29 & 30.May.2010. Mostly from our yard and porch.

I'm beginning to feel like I live in some third world country. We've lost power for several hours (8 on Thurs. & 4 on Friday) the past couple days - the second, a "scheduled" interruption (the phone msg. we got I discovered only after that fact).

I suppose I'm glad the outages didn't happen in the next few days when temps are forecast to be in the 90s with humidity creeping in by Tues. Hard to imagine weathering _that_ with no fans!
A beautiful day forecast for today, though. I hope we're in the geographical area of the cooling sea breeze. :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Some shots from 28.May.2010.
The stained glass is in our entry way - the latin means something like "he conquers who waits."
The building is one I see in Boston en route to acupuncture. I was taken by the tile work above the windows.
The roses & peonies are from a house down the street & the mock orange is in front of our house.

It's been deliciously cool the past couple days - in fact last night I kept waking up because I was cold - but couldn't get myself to get out of bed to look for another blanket. :| Heat's due to return by the weekend. Fingers crossed they're wrong.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Neighborhood shots

From 27.May.2010.
Way behind in photos. You can see why the mail carrier prefers to walk on the lawn rather than negotiate the mock orange.

Had these queued up to post yesterday but ran out of time before new student & wedding gig with harpist & cellist (which had a couple crash & burn moments during the prelude - I must've left my counting brain in CA. I hope the assembled multitude didn't notice).
CA trip a blast. Back to heat & humidity but with hope that the worst is over.

Will we get rain today? Lawn almost totally brown.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Neighborhood shots

From 26/May/2010.
Of course with the lack of rain most of everything now is pretty droopy if not dead.

Sky shots, flowers, 33 Mather (the red house), a study in greens & a neighborhood rock formation, all on display for your perusal & enjoyment. :)

Dashing around getting last minute things done for tomorrow. 5:45AM is going to come pretty early.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mysterious cats etc.

In my effort to catch up photo-wise, pix from 24 & 25/May/2010. Non-cat photos from yard & neighborhood.

Heading out now for PO run & toddle - thank the goddess it's less humid & a bit cooler. Polarity treatment canceled to day due to family emergency. Preparing for CA trip that begins Monday.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More May Flowers

I'm really behind on my photos so a slew of them from 23/May/2010. Most of the folks in the neighborhood have lovely gardens, lawns (the irises & roses are/were from our garden). Then there are those who think concrete is the way to go. :|

Heading out soon for my toddle, then later today to an annual vision screening.

Heading up to 90ishF today with dew points of 65F. Too bad I'm not in Dornach, Switzerland, where it's 77F & dew point of 52 now according to weather underground.

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells