Monday, January 30, 2017


Wanted to share with you a special pin that Kris Taylor made for me for my birthday. He's called Rupert & is nestled all snug on my cardigan.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

This is me 2

Thought you might get a kick out of this, from a fellow Raveler's Ravatar:

I sometimes wonder if this is the reaction when people open a package containing knitwear from moi:

Saturday, January 21, 2017

I confess

to feeling like this after hearing yesterday's inaugural address:

If you, like moi, need some lifting up, maybe this video from Rebecca Solnit, author of Hope in the Dark will help.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Mindful fools

This from somewhere recently to help us be mindful fools and to help us through the trials that are sure to come this year:

  • Begin the day by taking a few minutes to just breathe, before checking emails, social media and news.
  • Set aside short periods, between five and 15 minutes each day,where your intention is simply to be more mindful.
  • Pay attention to the present moment in a gentle, accepting way. It can be while you are walking, sitting or lying down.
  • Have fun with your mindfulness practice. Pick one quick activity you do each day — drinking a cup of tea, washing a few dishes, brushing your teeth.
  • As you do each activity, pay close attention to the sensations in your body. Instead of simply going through the motions, notice what thoughts and emotions come up. And if your mind wanders, just note that and return to the present moment. 
  • See if you can make the activity a mindfulness exercise for a week. Feel what’s happening in your body and simply enjoy the activity.
And since these days we all need reasons to be cheerful, here's something I hope will get you up & dancing. Short of that, at least to get your toes tapping.

Why don't you get back into bed? (repeat)
Some of Buddy Holly, the working folly
Good Golly Miss Molly, and boats
Hammersmith Palais, the Bolshoi Ballet
Jump back in the alley add nanny goats
18-wheeler Scammels, Domineker camels
All other mammals plus equal votes
Seeing Picadilly, Fanny Smith and Willy
Being rather silly, and porridge oats
A bit of grin and bear it, a bit of come and share it
You're welcome we can spare it - yellow socks
To short to be haughty, too nutty to be naughty
Going on forty - no electric shocks
The juice of a carrot, the smile of the parrot
A little drop of claret, anything that rocks
Elvis and Scotty, days when I ain't spotty
Sitting on the potty, curing smallpox
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Health service glasses, gigolos and brasssies
Round or skinny bottoms
Take your mum to Paris, lighting up the chalice
Wee Willy Harris
Bantu Steven Biko, listening to Riko
Harpo, Graucho, Chico
Cheddar cheese and pickle, the Vincent motorsickle
Slap and tickle
Woody Allen, Dali, Dimitri and Pasquale
Balabalabala and Volare
Something nice to study, phoning up a buddy
Being in my nuddy
Saying okey-dokey, singalonga Smokey
Coming out of Chokey
John Coltrane's soprano, Adi Celantano
Bonar Colleano
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3
Yes, yes, dear, dear, perhaps next year
Or maybe even never
In which case...
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful, part 3
Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3

In case you're curious Ian Dury. R.I.P.

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells