Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cats & dogs

A few photo to lighten your load.

Mimsy (the room is neater now)

Potter doesn't like having her picture taken

Is that me on the right?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gipsy House

A family shot from back in the day at a family gathering in Gipsy, PA (population 235 in 2000 - and I thought Menominee was small, though it's down a couple thousand, if memory serves, from when I was there). Photo courtesy of Bill Smith, via cousin, photographer Ed Watkins. I seem to remember one of my cousins telling me the Gipsy house had burned down.

Parents in the third row right in front of the tree (photo must be pre-1954 since none of us siblings is in evidence). I seem to recognize Aunt Audrey in the first row, far right, and one of Toot's daughters fourth one in from right in front of the lady with the big hat. Maw maw & Pupup 2nd row three in from right. I think that's Aunt Helen third row 2nd in from left.

If memory serves, there was no electricity in the house nor an indoor toilet. Can it be Gipsy was only 10 miles from Cherry Tree? Seemed to much farther. Ah, memory.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lace & landscapes

I thought you might enjoy a couple window shots of mother nature's frost patterns. One reminds me of a Chinese landscape, the other of oh so delicate lace. I love it.

Landscape à la chinoise

Mother Nature's lacemaking

Despite the forecasts, we only got about 4 inches of show overnight - a bit further south & we would have gotten almost 2 feet. Fortunately, because it's been so cold (11F at current reading), it's very light & fluffy and you can see the individual flakes' laciness.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Thought you might enjoy this shot from yesterday. I'd hoped to get the huge, fluffy flakes, but by the time the metronome ran out (I was practicing) they'd morphed into the tinier ones. I took another one, but turned the camera sideways, and don't have a program that can make it right-way up. Not to worry, it was just a shot from another window. Off to tootle, maybe a toddle & some laundry.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


You might know I'm a Ravelry member (social network for knitters & crocheters). Here are a couple Ravatars of fellow Ravelers that made me chuckle (remember you can click on the image to see a bigger version.):

Toddled out the P.O.this AM hoping that the cold temps (13F at current reading) would mean short lines. I was right. :)

Tootling, stitching, probably no more toddling, and possible housework on tap for today.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

In case you were curious

Boston actually got around 14.6". Click on the photo to see a bigger version.

And here's a little bonus:

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells