Monday, March 31, 2014

Various & sundry

Cats & still life from 22 & 24.Feb.2013 and 4.Mar.2013. Sleety rain out there now. Clearer stuff forecast for tomorrow. Tootling & stitching today - toddling in sleet & 36F? Not fun.

Napping together

Guest room still life

Ollie cat from next door looking for his hand out

Reading Potter


Back to sleep, leave me alone

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Vernal equinox? I think not.

Despite the weather dude's claim that spring starts today around noon, our actual, factual equinox was on Tuesday, according to my moon phase app.

No Alexander lesson today (teacher's sis is in town). Spent yesterday having a "spa day" with two medical appts. (MD follow-up & vision screening) with a trip to the MFA in between. An idea better in theory, though: left the house for the bus @ 7:30AM, got back @ 3:30PM. One pooped little puppy.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from 18.Feb.2013.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March is bustin' out all over

Shots taken 11.Mar.2014. With temps forecast for the 50sF today, the blossoms will probably be done in a day. :|

First crocci


Snowdrops 2

And someplace I've been but don't remember this street exactly.
St. Paul de Vence

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A touch of color

Before the first two blossoms on the cyclamen faded, I grabbed a photo yesterday of its mass of flowers.

Off late AM for acupuncture. Before that, warming up with some flute scales. Then some stitching, laundry, picc practice and who knows?

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells