Friday, May 30, 2014

Forest lovely

Another forest lovely from someone whose blog I follow. This one from Ukraine (reminds me of something out of The Lord of the Rings).

I don't remember anything like this when I traveled through that country, but I don remember the final meal we had in Kiev on the Slavic trip where the hosts provided not only a bottle of champagne for every 4 people but also a bottle of vodka and I can't remember what other kinds of liquor, along with copious amounts of food. Oh, those Slavs.

Gorgeous day out there today. Dust settling from the distribution of Wellesley assignments (though I haven't opened that email account yet today. Tootling, toddling & stitching on tap for later on.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The enchanted wood

Visual titillation to start your week. With fond memories of Henes Park (not all of these images are the actual, factual park), the cabin, Dornach, Presbytery Point, etc., etc.

Off late-afternoon to tutor two tooters @ Northeastern. Marathon lessons of 1.25 hours each, sometimes twice a week, to fit them all in during "Summer I."

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wonders of the world

A visual treat for this Mothers' Day. Enjoy.

Eclipse from space
 And I love this piece from Mary Long.

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells