I've been sending around examples of catch breaths, those things singers & wind players need to be able to do to breathe without interrupting the musical phrase. Andy sent me this example of one of our favorites, Kristen Chenoweth singing one of our (at least my) favorite songs from Candide. I'd like to share it with you.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Monday, November 4, 2019
Meet Toby
The newest member of our household. He's still not sure he trusts me and hasn't got run of the full house, but we're hopeful once he does that Mimsy and he will get along.
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The second day of Christmas
The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells
Heading out to mail some stuff, put a check in the bank & pick up the papers before it rains. Freezing (literally) here - "feels li...
This photo, from Halloween, was ahead of its time. Heading out for an Alexander lesson soon - then the usual, tootling, stitching, and, if I...
As I sit in front of a fan (the rotating, not the applauding kind) in the coolest room in the house with dew-point @ 70F & temps in the ...