Ah, schnitzel. Speaking of which, my feline companion is tapping my arm asking for a lap. Just a minute. OK. Heading out soon for a Cambridge grocery run. Planning to give a listen to the latest On Being episode I caught a part of last Sunday morn, an interview with "Ghanaian-British-American philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah. His parents' marriage helped inspire the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," "
Sidling up to difference." A highlight: "If you have that background of relationship between individuals and communities that is in that sense conversational, then when you have to talk about the things that do divide you, you have a better platform. You can begin with the assumption that you like and respect each other even though you don't agree about everything, and you can maybe build on that. And you can know that, at the end of the conversation, it's quite likely that you'll both think something pretty close to what you both thought at the start. But you might at least have a deeper appreciation for the other person's, um, point of view, and that turns out to make it easier to accept the outcome, whether it's the outcome you favor or the outcome the other person favors."
Photos again from my last day @ MOMA in January. Toward the bottom - talk about a prepared piano. The final image is Still's painting credo, the image of which was in my previous posting.

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