No photos today, a quick post from the Composers' Conference where we're down to the last day of week one. Fortunately (so far, anyway) only minor blips & fingers crossed that continues. Here's a Bolero flash mob @ the Copenhagan train station of all places, video link sent along by someone on the Music Librarianship listserv (yes, there is such a thing) who's in Rio - where it was 107 yesterday. Thank the goddess I'm not there!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Happy anniversary

Photos from Big Bay, MI, Crivitz, WI & Lakeland, FL taken between 1991 & 1997. Sorry I didn't get this up yesterday on the actual, factual day of mom & dad's would-have-been 60th (I think) anniversary. Just too hot. Heading up today to 101F so they say. Long, cold showers, here I come! (Sung to the tune of California Here I come.)
First acupuncture & hoping I don't have to stand too long waiting for buses.

Thursday, July 21, 2011
All Of Harry Potter Re-Enacted By Cats in 1 Minute
Who needs a heat dome? Happy we're only under the expletive deleted thing for a few days - not like other places who have suffered for weeks. And fingers crossed, we haven't lost our power so at least the fans are going! Hope this will brighten your day:
Monday, July 18, 2011
22 & 27.April.2011

Napping puss, the season's first dandelion, early spring gardens & street scene. Heading out soon for a teeth cleaning (at least the subway cars will be air conditioned - though it's actually not to bad yet) & then trying to avoid the head. Storms forecast for later today. Tootling, stitching & translating on the docket - should also vacuum but who wants to do that when it's 90+F?

Sunday, July 17, 2011
April 15 & 16 2011

Apple blossoms, the bus depot where I switch buses en route to/from acupuncture & a festive bench outside the Fields Corner bus stop (at least I _think_ that's where it's from).
Heading up to the 90s all this week (except maybe tomorrow) with dew points in the 70s. Just what I need the week before I spend two weeks driving to & from Wellesley for the Composers Conference to really enjoy that most places there have AC.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street

Photos from 10 & 11.April.2011. Pride of place an organic (yes, really) carrot that I pulled out of the bag on the 11th. The others, a still life from the winter practice room (aka my bedroom) & a sign of spring.
Enjoying the last bit of coolness today before the HHHH (hellish hazy hot & humid) hits for the next few. Off soon to return "The New Weird" to the library (isn't it appropriate that weird doesn't follow the "I before E rule" though I understand that folks are no longer being taught that since it isn't the case so often.). Then some translating, practicing (I haven't had the energy lately to put flute to lip & that's gotta stop), & stitching.

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hewig's angry inch

Well we didn't even see Hedwig in the last installment of the Harry Potter movie. Harvard's been able to get Papal dispensation (or whoever's in charge of releasing the film) for screenings 1 day in advance of the national release so Andy & I got go see it tonight. I found all the visual things they threw in simply for the 3D wow factor (we saw it in 2D but you could just tell where all that extraneous stuff was) really distracting and boring, actually. But it was good to see Maggie Smith and Emma Thomson (even if just in a short moment with the camera passing over her), as well as the moment of Harry beefcake when Harry, Hermione & Ron all took off their clothes (well not all of them) early in the flic.
If it's hot where you are, maybe this pride-of-place photo from our April Fool's storm will help. Other shots from 4.4.2011.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
March 30 & 31, 2011

Shots taken of some of my favorite houses in the neighborhood (30.March.2011, pride of place being down the hill & around the corner from uns) and in Somerville, including a charming little house that was apparently lived in by one Eliza Stebbins that is around the corner from my friend & Alexander teacher (31.March.2011), as well as a store in same that seems to be selling long-playing records - who knew they were still around. I tried to find out who the heck Ms. Stebbins was but only came up with real estate listings (the house was recently for sale). Of course, now the trees have all those pesky leaves on 'em so it's much harder to see the house - though said leaves much appreciated when toddling through the hellish heat & humidity.
Not supposed to be as hot today - will head out for a toddle soon then the uzhe.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
March 25-27, 2011

Photos from the end of March, including an old cemetery I see on my way to acupuncture, Potter plotting the demise of one of the next door neighbors' cats, some early spring blossom shots & one of a "platinum" green affordable (?) housing project not too from from shay nu. It now has all the landscaping done that includes a lovely little "water fixture" aka fountain in the front.
Had lunch today with a couple old NYC friends, one of whom is Chief of the music division @ New York Public Library & the other who now works in the Houghton Library @ Harvard. I'd seen George (the Chief) in January when I was down visiting Margi & Michael, & haven't seen Andrea (Houghton Library) in months either.
Too hot (89F) to think of anything more.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The day after Bach's birthday, as I recall (actually I thought the b'day was the 23rd & had to look it up), many house tops, a congregation of sparrows atop a hedge & a hiding Potter among things on offer. (Recalls some diddy about a knight who saved a damsel in distress & she offered her honor & he honored her offer & all night long it was honor & offer.) Remember you can click on the images for larger versions.
Heading off soon to an Alexander lesson. Then tootling, stitching & translating. Blessedly cooler today (if only by a bit).

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The second day of Christmas
The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells
Heading out to mail some stuff, put a check in the bank & pick up the papers before it rains. Freezing (literally) here - "feels li...
This photo, from Halloween, was ahead of its time. Heading out for an Alexander lesson soon - then the usual, tootling, stitching, and, if I...
As I sit in front of a fan (the rotating, not the applauding kind) in the coolest room in the house with dew-point @ 70F & temps in the ...