Shots taken of some of my favorite houses in the neighborhood (30.March.2011, pride of place being down the hill & around the corner from uns) and in Somerville, including a charming little house that was apparently lived in by one Eliza Stebbins that is around the corner from my friend & Alexander teacher (31.March.2011), as well as a store in same that seems to be selling long-playing records - who knew they were still around. I tried to find out who the heck Ms. Stebbins was but only came up with real estate listings (the house was recently for sale). Of course, now the trees have all those pesky leaves on 'em so it's much harder to see the house - though said leaves much appreciated when toddling through the hellish heat & humidity.
Not supposed to be as hot today - will head out for a toddle soon then the uzhe.

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