Friday, February 22, 2013

Ready for my closeup

A closeup of our lovely Mimsy & a couple other divas I thought you might enjoy. Forecast for up to 6" of heavy wet snow this weekend. Believe it or not, given the choice btwn rain & a half foot of heavy snow, I'll take the rain, thank you very much. 3 inches I could handle (said the girl @ the picnic) but half a foot?

Friday, February 15, 2013

An engineer's guide to cats

Thought you might enjoy.

Heading out soon for another visit to Windsor Button to bid adieu to the proprietress - they're closing after 77 years in the business - current owner since 1998. So sad. Where will all those buttons go? Then to the MFA to meet college chum Pam & her beau, Eric, for some lunch & art perusing, then probably back here for dinner somewhere in the vicinity.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Another torch passes

You might have heard of that man in a dress abdicating his throne, but here's something that might be news to youse:

We finally got the car &amp driveway shoveled out on day 3 of our blizzard clean up. Thank goodness my rehearsal in Melrose was called off last night.

Off now to tootle, laundry & stitching - and maybe a trip to the P.O. and a wee walk, which I haven't had since Friday.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzard 2013

I guess they're safe in calling it this since the last one we had was in 2009.

We're one of the lucky ones - almost 1/2 million people without power - mostly in the SE part of the state - our 50mph wind gusts last night were no match for their 70+ ones. It's still snowing a little, and probably will for awhile, based on the weather widget showing snow still out to the Worcester area and beyond. I love it - though with the above-freezing temps forecast for next week (and rain on Monday - blech) it'll get really messy really soon. :|

I inadvertently slept an extra hour this AM (awoke slightly before the alarm, turned it off and the next thing you know . . . ) and haven't ventured outside yet. Auto travel ban remains in effect & the MBTA will remain closed all day and maybe into tomorrow. I hear someone out there with their snow blower. Fingers crossed the guy across the street with one will bless us and come over & do our sidewalk. Maybe if we go out & look like we're struggling?

Yesterday seemed to be a good one for scented candles. So I lit mine. Do you have any recommendations for what to do with the wax around the edge once the wick has burned away? Seems a shame to throw it out.

Here's a mini-timeline of the storm. I guess we might have gotten about 2 feet.

Off now for lunch & a tootle or two.

2013-02-08 11:40AM

2013-02-08 12:40PM

2013-02-08 1:40PM

2013-02-08 2:40PM

2013-02-08 3:40PM

2013-02-08 4:40PM

2013-02-09 11:30AM - library window

2013-02-09 11:30AM

2013-02-09 11:30AM - library window

2013-02-09 11:30AM - front walk

2013-02-09 11:30AM - front porch

Friday, February 8, 2013

My day @ the MFA

Andy and I spent 1.Feb.2013 @ the MFA as a belated b'day celebration. Here are the first of the photos I took. The images are from an exhibition called "Art in the streets," a selection of posters from the early 20th century in the MFA collection.

The wind she begins to blow (10AM) from the storm they're calling Nemo for some reason. Fingers crossed we don't lose power with our forecast 1.5 to 2 feet of snow. Except for the shoveling & rain forecase for Monday (blech) I can't wait!

Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949)

Ferdinand Hodler (2853-1918)
Secession Vers Sacrum 1904

Theodor Willem Nieuwenhuis (1866-1951)

El Lissitzky - one of my faves - (1890-1941)
Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge 1920

Maurice Dufresne (1876 – 1955)

Marcello Nizzoli (1887 - 1969)

Ib Andersen (1907-1969)

Willy Dzubas (1877-1947)

Pieter Adrianus Hendrik Hofman
(hope you can read Dutch) (1886-1965)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oh, those Austrians.

Can you imagine a museum in the U.S. having this outside their building advertising an exhibition? The Leopold Museum in Vienna is.

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells