Friday, February 22, 2013

Ready for my closeup

A closeup of our lovely Mimsy & a couple other divas I thought you might enjoy. Forecast for up to 6" of heavy wet snow this weekend. Believe it or not, given the choice btwn rain & a half foot of heavy snow, I'll take the rain, thank you very much. 3 inches I could handle (said the girl @ the picnic) but half a foot?

1 comment:

  1. Mimsy is adorable--love the terra-cotta nose. Maggie Smith is superb, and I cannot get enough of her. But how did you like the ending of series 3? I am not pleased.

    I am with you, John; much better to have lots of rain than to get heavy wet snow--ugh!


The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells