Here's a photo I took yesterday of the lovely cyclamen I got years ago as a Christmas present from my Harvard U. department. Remember you can click on the picture to see a bigger version.
Potter's been ailing for a year or so with failing kidneys and for awhile the prednisone was keeping her going, with a good appetite, purrs, etc.. Yesterday, however, she hardly ate anything and is clearly not feeling well. So depending on how she does today, sometime tomorrow or Sunday morning we're going to take her on the one-way trip to the vet.
I called them just now to see how that would work. The rep. told me they have her down as 17 years, 9 months, and 3 days old. Seems like just yesterday she showed up in our garden as a kitten.
Even though I know it's time, I'm still so sad.
Hope all's well by you.