Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Magical moments

Took a wee toddle to the P.O. this AM to drop of some packages. Took the long way home to get in a bit of a walk, meeting a couple-streets-over neighbor, Warren, whose three dalmatians used to accost, er, greet me when I walked by before they built the solid fence in their yard so they couldn't see me. He's down to 1 pooch, who's being spoiled now he's alone & getting old.

Told myself I wanted to get some pictures when I got home and before I knew it had oodles. Being all Whistler about it, I'll call them studies in green and pink, green & purple, studies in green, etc. There's also one of the Wright sprite who's now out protecting the plants. And another sweet one (IMHO) of a tuber rose and bee. The red poppy's color is so vivid it freaked out the awful camera on my iPhone SE. I understand the newer ones' cameras are better. Time for an upgrade? Nah. I'll deal and maybe just get an actual, factual camera for less $$.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures, even the smallest bloom is exquisite! Love the sprite


The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells