Monday, February 21, 2022


 Can you imagine anyone writing a song today that assumed people would know who Schopenhauer was?

Here are two versions of the song from Pal Joey sung by a character who interviewed Gypsy Rose Lee (I'm not going to give the movie version because the song's given to an entirely different character and the lyrics are different, but you can see it on Amazon prime if you want to take a peek.)

Here's the fabulous Elaine Stritch's version:


And Bebe Neuwirth's (I guess her stage partners weren't off book yet)


Pal Joey - Zip Lyrics

I've interviewed, Leslie Howard
I've interviewed, Noel Coward
I've interviewed the great Stravinsky
But my greatest achievement is the interview I had
With the star who worked for Minsky

I met her at the Yankee Clipper
And she didn't unzip one zipper
I said, "Miss Lee, you are such an artist
Tell me, why you never miss?"
What do you think of? Why you worried, and she said
"While I work my thoughts go something like this"

Zip, Walter Lippmann wasn't brilliant today
Zip, will Saroyan ever write a great play?
Zip, I was reading Schopenhauer last night
Zip and I think that Schopenhauer was right

I don't want to see Zorina
I don't want to meet Cobina
Zip, I'm an intellectual

I don't like a deep Contralto
Or a man whose voice is Alto
Zip, I'm a heterosexual

Zip, it took intellect to master my art
Zip, who the hell is Margie Hart?

Zip, Toscanini leads the greatest of bands
Zip, Jergens Lotion does the trick for his hands
Zip, Rip Van Winkle on the screen would be smart
Zip, Tyrone Power will be cast in the part

I have read the great Cabala
And I simply worship Allah
Zip, I am just a mystic

I don't care for Whistler's mother
Charlie's aunt or Schubert's brother
Zip, I'm misogynistic

Zip, my intelligence is guiding my hand
Zip, who the hell is Sally Rand?

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells