Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sacralization an demonization

I've been struggling the past few weeks with my feelings brought about by having to spend my trip home from orchestra rehearsals with an orchestra member whom I really share little in common and who's opinions, on politics & religion are at loggerheads with mine. One helpful article I've read is a recent Yoga Journal submission on the "shadow slelf." More on that when I can find a good website since I don't seem to be able to upload .pdf files of the article here.

Another enlightening moment was watching the following Bill Moyer interview with Jonathan Haidt who explores the psychological underpinnings of political opinions, a salient feature of which is that the moment you "sacralize" something, it blinds you to any flaws. And when you demonize someone, that keeps you from seeing their humanity. I'm not sure I totally agree with him about his "groupish" idea. It seems to me one significant different between liberals' and conservatives' idea of group is simply the scope they allow the concept of "us". It's still early days for me thinking about Haidt's ideas so perhaps over time he'll sway me. I hope you'll take the time to watch the interview.

How do Conservatives and Liberals See
the World?

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells