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Moon Flower |
The conservative legal movement has already attacked many of these provisions, and the Roberts court has been steadily supplying it with ammunition to do so. Conservative judicial rhetoric — for example, Justice Antonin Scalia’s denunciation last week of the Obama administration’s decision not to deport young, law-abiding illegal immigrants who came to this country as children — may be designed to change the political climate as well. . . .
A Congress that can advance national priorities only through its taxing power is a Congress with little power at all. That is the real legacy of the last term. The Supreme Court has given Americans who care about economic and social justice a reason to worry this Fourth of July. The court’s guns have been loaded; it only remains to be seen whether it fires them."
If you are curious to know why I think it's vital that Mr. Romney not be elected President and allowed a chance to appoint more conservative Supreme Court justices, like Chief Justice Roberts and Antonin Scalia, who would curtail or eliminate the government's ability to protect and defend these rights, read on.
By PAMELA S. KARLAN, New York Times, Op-Ed June 30, 2012
ANTON CHEKHOV once remarked that “one must not put a loaded rifle on the
stage if no one is thinking of firing it.” In the term that ended last
week, the Supreme Court reached a liberal outcome in cases involving
President Obama’s health care law, Arizona’s draconian immigration
statute and mandatory life sentences for juveniles. But the conservative
majority also laid down a cache of weapons that future courts can use
to attack many of the legislative achievements of the New Deal and the
Great Society — including labor, environmental, civil rights and
consumer protection laws — and to prevent new progressive legislation.
Far from being a source of jubilation, the term may come back to haunt
The immediate result of Thursday’s 5-to-4 health care ruling was a
victory for the Obama administration and the millions of Americans who
will get improved access to medical care. But four justices would have
struck down every provision of the 900-plus-page act, and Chief Justice
John G. Roberts Jr., who provided the fifth vote to uphold the mandate
that individuals buy insurance or pay a penalty, distanced himself from
the law. “It is not our job,” he wrote, “to protect the people from the
consequences of their political choices.” The chief justice, who at 57
is likely to sit on the court for at least another two decades, made
clear that government’s ability to address many of the nation’s most
pressing problems is subject to some new limitations.
We take for granted that the federal government can forbid landlords to
reject a tenant based on his race or religion; prohibit development on
fragile wetlands; finance the Medicare program for the elderly; require
public schools to give girls an equal opportunity to play sports;
collect revenue to pay for the National Institutes of Health and the
national parks; encourage energy conservation by taxing gas guzzlers;
prohibit discriminatory voter ID laws; and vindicate the right of state
government employees to take unpaid leave to care for sick relatives.
The conservative legal movement has already attacked many of these
provisions, and the Roberts court has been steadily supplying it with
ammunition to do so. Conservative judicial rhetoric — for example,
Justice Antonin Scalia’s denunciation last week of the Obama
administration’s decision not to deport young, law-abiding illegal
immigrants who came to this country as children — may be designed to
change the political climate as well.
The federal government’s ability to regulate economic and social life
stems largely from four powers in the Constitution. Under the commerce
clause, Congress can “regulate” national economic activity. Under the
taxing power, it can “lay and collect Taxes.” Under the spending power,
it can “provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United
States.” And under the enforcement powers, it can enact “appropriate
legislation” to enforce the 14th Amendment’s equal protection and due
process clauses and the 15th Amendment’s guarantee of the right to vote
regardless of race.
From the 1930s through the Warren and Burger courts, the Supreme Court
largely deferred to the political branches’ judgments about the scope of
these powers; it was their partner, not their adversary. The court
recognized — as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed out in her opinion
on the health care case — that the political process was the primary
vehicle for limiting government’s powers.
The Roberts court has intensified the effort to reduce federal power.
That the individual mandate was upheld should not overshadow the court’s
ruling on Medicaid expansion — the part of the ruling that is most
likely to affect other legislation in the near future.
For the first time since the New Deal, the court struck down an exercise
of Congress’s spending power. It held that Congress lacked the power to
deny Medicaid funds to states that refuse to expand their coverage.
Chief Justice Roberts — joined by the liberal justices Stephen G. Breyer
and Elena Kagan — held that while the government can deny additional
Medicaid funds to states that refuse to expand their coverage, it cannot
penalize them by rescinding current Medicaid payments.
This is a loaded gun indeed.
MANY state and local governments, universities and nonprofit agencies
build their operations around federal financing. If the federal
government can deny them additional money only when it adds conditions
the recipients must meet, it will be hamstrung in ensuring compliance
with critical federal objectives. For example, the government gives
grants on the condition that recipients will not discriminate on the
basis of race, sex and disability. If Congress adds sexual orientation
to the list — which seems likely at some not-too-distant point — must it
maintain existing financing for groups that defiantly persist in
discriminating against lesbians and gay men?
A 2000 law requires state prisons and local jails that get federal funds
to accommodate inmates’ religious practices. But those facilities
received money long before the law was passed. Can the government
credibly threaten to cut off funds to facilities that violate the law,
or are its enforcement tools now limited?
In less-noticed opinions, the court also curbed federal power in
important ways. It rejected the government’s view that drug company
representatives should be entitled to overtime under the Fair Labor
Standards Act. It seemed poised to severely restrict Congress’s ability
to give private plaintiffs the right to enforce consumer protection
laws, unless they could show direct economic injury. (On the final day
of the term, the court said it wouldn’t decide the case after all.)
In another health care case, the court refused to permit state workers
to sue for violations of their right to take sick leave for themselves
under the Family and Medical Leave Act. A 5-to-4 majority ignored
evidence that although the act uses a gender-neutral leave model, it was
designed in significant part to protect childbearing women against
pervasive employment discrimination.
In the fall, the court will have further opportunities to advance the
conservative agenda. It will almost certainly decide cases involving
voting rights, race-conscious affirmative action and same-sex marriage.
Three cases involving federal environmental law are already on the
docket. And even before the court struck down Montana’s century-old ban
on corporate political spending, there were already a slew of new
challenges to campaign finance regulations working their way toward the
What, then, to make of the court’s landmark decision to uphold the individual mandate? Chief Justice Roberts construed the mandate not as a requirement that individuals purchase health insurance but as a choice: buy insurance or pay a tax. But the conservatives surely know that a Congress that can tax but not do much else — spend money, regulate the economy or enforce civil rights — will be hamstrung. Taxes are unpopular and nearly every Republican member of Congress has promised to oppose any additional taxes on individuals or businesses.
A Congress that can advance national priorities only through its taxing
power is a Congress with little power at all. That is the real legacy of
the last term. The Supreme Court has given Americans who care about
economic and social justice a reason to worry this Fourth of July. The
court’s guns have been loaded; it only remains to be seen whether it
fires them.
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Potter waving |
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Mimsy sleeping |
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