Friday, April 3, 2015

My trip to the MFA

to see the Hokusai show. You'll probably be able to tell I didn't have my camera & had to rely on the ipad. Still haven't mastered that as an image-taking device. Off kilter, out of focus. When I saw someone taking pictures with a tablet @ the exhibition & said to her that she was much better at it than I, she passed along a tip from her husband, a photographer: keep your elbows close to your body; it keeps the camera steadier. That helped a little, except I have a case cover that I have to keep out of the way of the view finder, which complicates things.

Of interest might be to notice the color of the walls behind the artworks - the only time I thought it didn't work was the "blue room" where the walls were the a shade of the same color in most of the paintings using that particular color, causing them to sort of fade into the background somehow. You can see how that works, or doesn't esp. in the 4th picture.

I was also really intrigued in the wall (that I didn't take pictures of) that showed how you assemble a woodblock print from the bottom up, so to speak, adding details using separate blocks and different colors. My first thought was, wow, that must be hard to get everything to line up.

I think this is the right side up

Outside the swag shop.

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells