Monday, June 13, 2016

Love is love, is love, is love, is love, is love, is love, is love.

I take a break from pictures from my trip to post the Lynn Manuel's moving tribute to the Orlando dead in his Tony Award acceptance speech. If you missed it, here it is.

My wife's the reason anything gets done. 
She nudges me towards promise by degrees. 
She is a perfect symphony of one, our son is her most beautiful reprise. 
We chase the melodies that seem to find us  
until they're finished songs and start to play. 
When senseless acts of tragedy remind us 
that nothing here is promised, not one day. 
This show is proof that history remembers. 
We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger. 
We rise and fall and light from dying embers. 
Remembrances that hope and love live longer. 
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside. 
As sacred as a symphony, Eliza tells her story and fills the world with music love and pride.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

2016-03-04: Old town Jerusalem day 2

More pictures from Old town Jerusalem, and yes it was that cold that day that Jan was wearing a down jacket.

More cats

Jan asking directions

Scarecrow Jerusalem style

Not sure what she was selling

The next few pictures are from the roof of a hostel we visited

Hostel hallway

Lobby artwork - a modern icon by Anton Wollenek

Jan (see below for her favorite feature)

To save me walking, Jan went down the road
to check things out.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

2016-03-04: Old town Jerusalem day 1

First pix from old town Jerusalem, ending with the Wailing Wall toward sunset, the beginning of the Jewish Shabbat. It was an amazing time - the Jews offering their pre-Sabbath prayers, a Muslim call to prayer from the nearby mosque, and Christian church bells chiming all at once.

Approaching the old town entrance.

Near the parking lot.

You can tell which tourists they were advertising
to: English then Hebrew, now sure what the 3rd
language is, then Russian

I think we were having our delicious falafel, from a stand
run by an Arab Christian, watching the world go by.

One of the many bazaar stands. Tourism is way down,
so the vendors were disheartened.

Mysterious, alluring tunnels everywhere you looked.

Spice bazaar

On his way to pre-Sabbath prayers at the Wailing Wall.

The nearby mosque

The Wailing Wall

Another mosque?

Cats everywhere - this one making its Sabbath prayers?

Don't know what this ultra-orthodox Jewish sect is but the believe
the Bible tells them they have to wear these fur hats, that look like
cakes, ask me, no matter the weather. Who knew it's called a

These stands provided for prayer books, I think.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

2016-03-04: in & around Yad Veshem

Photos taken during our tour of Jerusalem's Holocaust memorial, Yad Veshem, including a video of the amazing/tragic children's memorial where a single candle was reflected seemingly endlessly by strategically-placed mirrors, which of course were invisible in the darkness. Included as well some artwork done by people in the concentration camps.

Somehow we exited the grounds at a different point than where we'd parked the car, so while Jan ran to get it, I took a picture of traffic. :)

This is a closer look from the end of the main exhibition hall.

Leon Weissberg

Charlotte Salomon

Eternal flame in the Hall of Remembrance

Entrance to the children's memorial

As one followed the railing around the circular hall, recorded
voices named the children's names, their age when they were
killed, and their birth country.

Jerusalem traffic that Friday afternoon

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells