Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ghoulies, ghosties, and long-legged beasties

Photos appropriate to the day. A (one-time?) student showing up in about an hour to see about her prospects of getting into Northeastern. Maybe I'll finally have another student there!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Thought I'd interrupt my house tour with some leaf peeping photos I took yesterday. Heading out soon 4 acupuncture & dental guard fitting. Then back for a BSO simulcast for part 3 of their Beethoven Symph. cycle - nos. 6 & 7. Kinda so ho so hum programming, but today's concert is sold out. Go figure.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Here's a picture of the house @ 16 Allston, a street nearby. I think theirs is much the better paint job. Another day of staying @ home to tootle, wash & block the shawl I made for the neighbor & watch the second part of House of Cards Trilogy II: To Play the King. I know I've seen it before but I can't remember how it ends. I hope better than part 1 where he lures his lover onto the roof of the Parliament bldg. & throws her off. :|

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Park

Of course all the leaves are changing now - this pic was taken a few weeks ago. I watched a continual shower of leaves falling from the maple yesterday as I practiced upstairs (don't _think_ it was the playing that caused it). It's raining cats & dogs off & on all day today so walk looks iffy. I was wishing I'd brought my camera yesterday cuz I saw lots of neat things - here's hoping they're still there tomorrow when the weather's due to change. According to my weather widget it's 50 now & feels like 43. Someone I know (forget who - good memory, just short) said despite temps in Anchorage AK getting so much colder there, winters feel colder here because of the damp. Someday I'll have to go to AK & check that out (or maybe not). Easy to imagine the corollary to the heat here vis a vis Arizona. Almost time to tootle. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Flying Geese

50F right now & overcast - best I get out for my walk before the rain comes. Remember my fussing about the busy week? I came back from lunch with my former supervisor (after having spent 40 minutes with her trapped in the elevator en route - the dang think kept going up & down - which we could have done ourselves - but the expletive deleted doors wouldn't open!) to find 3 messages on the phone, two of which were asking to reschedule my Tues. & Thurs. appointments). So I guess God heard my prayers. My dilemma today is that Woolcott's is offering even greater markdowns on stuff, including their logo boxes, but I REALLY would rather stay home & cocoon (read practice, wash & block the shawl I made for the neighbor who lost her husband last week, & go through the PILES of stuff waiting next to this desk, and NOT spend $$), but it will be one of the last chances to see the space & the people . . . I heard geese honking as they flew over awhile ago, so I guess it really is fall.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Teal Lady

Cranky today. Dunno why. Too-busy week ahead? I guess I'll head out for a walk & see if things pick up. Sunny & high today forecast 4 62F. Live in the now - who knows what will get canceled & lighten the load?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Yellow Door

Cloudy, rainy and a forecast of a high of 64F here today. Heading off after lunch to harpist's house whither we travel to Pittsfield (about 1.5 hours north) for some kind of gig - I'm afraid I didn't pay too close attention to exactly what it was - am just glad he's driving, not me! Tomorrow's off and then a busy week of schlepping somewhere every day except Wed.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Gray Lady

Heading out for an acupuncture treatment - am curious to hear what my
acupuncturist has to say about the performance - he kept trying to get
my attention while I was sight reading (and of course I couldn't look
up from the page) and wasn't looking or wasn't around when we were
between numbers, so I hope he doesn't think I was ignoring him. The
rest of the day for tootling & finishing the shawl I'm making for my
neighbor across the street who lost her husband of 44-some years last
week. I hope she's not allergic to wool!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Coral Lady

With purple trim - who'da thunk? Nowhere to go today except out 4 my
walk. Yipee, skipee! Only laundry, practicing, stitching, maybe some
dusting/looking for cobwebs - where DO those things come from??!! The
gig @ the acupuncture clinic went well last night, and several people
said they thought the music sounded good. A local weatherman/newscaster
(and friend of Dorothy?* - why the question mark, I ask myself), was master of ceremonies (who knew he had a sense of humor)?
Heading out now while the temps are still cool - we're forecast for a
high of 70 or so. 50s tomorrow - I call it weather whiplash (I prefer
50s in Oct. myself).

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells