More photos from that wonderful day @ the museum - Redon's Light (lithograph), Centaur (oil on canvas) & St. Sebastian (watercolor).
I should have known better than to think I could show up after having the tests done that showed a problem & have the specialist doctor fix the problem on the spot. I met with both the plastic surgeon for the cyst on my neck & the musculoskeletal MD for my hip pain only to have the one schedule another meeting for the actual/factual procedure & the other for a cortisone injection on the 29th & follow-up a month thence to see. She seemed to think it was more a muscle problem than the cyst causing the pain. I guess we'll see (I thought it was interesting that she went onto google & then a wikipedia page to show me the anatomical details she was talking about - that's a first in my clinical experience). I begin to feel like some elderly Floridian whose only topic of conversation is their physical ailments.
I did have a chance to swing by the MFA in between, with the accompanying lovely walk along the Fens, to breeze through the new contemporary art wing. Lovely space, some interesting pieces, but, in contrast to their "grand salon" in the newish American wing where I think there's entirely too much stuff on display, I thought they could have used the space in the contemporary wing to greater effect by displaying more material. Not the greatest fan of video "art" though the naked lady floating in the Red Sea while standing on a watermelon (name of the videographer escapes me) was kind of a hoot. And the roomful of Ellsworth Kelly's large pieces of wood were intriguing.
Off soon to acupuncture then to the Dorchester Stitch House where I get to dye a batch of custom-color yarn since I was one of the winners (they had two & I think I should have gotten both since both of my projects entered garnered more votes than anyone else but that's just moi) in their recent Rooftop Challenge. Hoping I can get home before the rain starts to come down. Flood watches out for the weekend but we're usually OK since we're on the top of a hill.

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