Shots today from 19.June.2011 on a walk I apparently took with Andy (I think that's him in the corner of the skyscape). Photos include lots of roses, a couple local avian type creatures & a pair of ghostly gloves.
I should rename this blog weekly musings since that's how often I seem to be getting to it.
We started Melrose rehearsals on Monday. Prokofiev Piano Concerto #3 & Pictures @ an Exhibition. As usual taking the fast movements faster than I can play them (though not too fast for the 14-year-old(!) who's @ the piano) and unfortunately I spent the whole summer practicing the wrong orchestration of the Mussorgsky. :|
Heading out soon for a toddle before it gets too hot (83F forecast for today - blech). And then later to Northeastern to tutor my one tooter.

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