Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The ups & downs of thinking subjunctively

Fascinating Ted talk on the pluses and minuses of having the subjunctive. Bottom line, maybe it's best to look at the past indicatively, and think of the future subjunctively.

Unfortunately no transcript of this radio show. The speaker, Phuc Tran is both a Classicist and a tattooer. He has taught Latin, Greek, German, and Sanskrit at independent schools in New York and Maine.

The other interesting segment was how assuming a power pose, a la Superman, Wonder Woman, or the "victory" or starfish pose (arms outstretched over the head, legs spread wide) for 2 minutes can increase testosterone & lower cortisol levels in the blood (and make you feel better).

Does Body Language Shape Who You Are?
Amy Cuddy is a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School, where she studies how nonverbal behavior and snap judgments affect people. Her research reveals we can change other people's perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions.

 So when you're feeling down, assume a power pose for a couple minutes & you'll probably feel better. Up & at 'em.

The whole show, Spoken & Unspoken, is here.

Now some shots of Mimsy, who seems to like sitting on my clothes - and apparently my flute case.


Should I go back to sleep


But I like sitting on velvet.

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells