Wednesday, April 27, 2016

2016-02-27: Do you know the way to the golden mosque?

We wanted to get to the Golden Mosque, next, but ended up at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, in Nazareth instead. If you read the article in the above link to the church's Wikapedia page, we actually saw the spring, too. Then we tore back via a main highway (the Indy 500 drivers have nothing on Jan when she wants to get somewhere in a hurry) to Arie's sister's house in En Dor in time for a delicious brunch with said sister, her hubby, and daughter, and Arie's mom (oh, and their cat). Unfortunately I didn't get any pix of the spread before we'd decimated it).

Now where is that mosque again?

Maybe down this road?

Shades of the spice bazaar in Istanbul.

St. George & the dragon

Another interior shot.

From the sublime to the ridiculous.

Grocery store for the locals -
I was shopping for deodorant.

OH, there's the mosque. Oh well, no time.

L to R, Arie, his mom (she was born in Italy
& emigrated after WWII), niece & Jan

L to R sister Iris, Arie & his mom

L to R Jan, brother-in-law, niece & sister-in-law Iris

Had enough?

And, of course, the cat.

Cat's had enough

Some neighbors we met outside Iris' current house on the way
to see her family's new house being built on the edge
of the kibbutz. (Stay tuned for pix of that wonderful abode.)

1 comment:

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells