Thursday, May 12, 2016

2016-03-01: more Tel Aviv 20th century gallery pix

Some new artists (at least to moi) and unusual examples of Hodler, & Picasso.

Albert Gleizes

Don't know that I would have guessed Picasso.

Though this is a typical Leger. Can you see the clown?

Odd sort of Archipenko - a combo painting/sculpture. Didn't know
he was considered an American artist.

This Archipenko is more 2D.

Amédée Ozenfant. Another new one for me,
and first I've heard of the Purism movement.

Kinda wild & crazy for Hodler. What I'm familiar
with from the Basel Kunstmuseum are like this.

Vordemberge-Gildewart. Another new one for me, but I do love de 
Stijl. Schwitters & Arp. All of which/whom he was associated

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