Said the girl at the picnic. The last in the Ashmont Hill series - at least for awhile. Just finished posting to the various instrument groups the announcement of the Chamber Music Workshop that I'm involved in @ Wellesley College. A nice quiet weekend after the hectic running around of the week past. Just tootling, vacuuming (having done 4 loads of laundry yesterday), & stitching on the docket. Oh, and catching up on Fringe, Bones, maybe Ugly Betty, etc. over the internet. Sure beats the crappy/intermittent digital broadcast signal we get here. Damned conversion. You can bet the cable companies salivated over THAT one. Ah well, could be worse, could be raining.* Sunny & 30F here now - heading up, so they say to 33F today. 55F forecast for Monday or Tues.
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