This also from 28.Jan.2010.
Watched an inspiring edition of The American Experience, about the The Montgomery Bus Boycott, which took place mostly during the year of Jan's birth, 1956. It was inspiring and dispiriting at the same time. Inspiring to see what an oppressed community can do if they join forces and non-violently protest their oppression. Dispiriting to know
that even now, some 50+ years later that there are still those who say things like "all blacks do this" or "all blacks are like this" (lazy, dishonest, criminal, take your pick). I often wonder what some my siblings say to their conservative friends when topics come up like gay marriage or gays serving in the military and they hear things like "it'll destroy traditional marriage - whatever the hell that is - or "next you'll have to allow marriage between a man & a cow," or "they'll rape their colleagues"). This is something that I really think there is an "us" and a "them" - those people who realize these issues are questions of basic human rights, the right to be who you are and to love whom you choose, and the "them" thinking that being gay is a choice, not an innate part of one's being.
I have a dog in neither of the the marriage & military fights, BTW. I don't see why we, as gays, should want to ape heteros' relationships. I say have ALL unions be civil ones and if one wants to have a religious ceremony to commemorate the fact in addition, go right ahead, and if your denomination refuses to allow it, find another one. After all, @ the founding of our country (at least with the Pilgrims in MA), marriage was a civil matter, not a religious one. "Marriage was strictly a civil and not an ecclesiastical ceremony for the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay until 1686." http://www.pflagsanjose.org/advocacy/hist.html. And I think anyone serving in the military is part of the problem, not the solution.

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