Got to neither toddling or laundry yesterday & barely some tootling: sat down @ 11AM to begin sorting groups for the Composers Conference, short break 4 lunch then before I knew it it was 5PM & I'm still only a little short of 1/2 done. Whew. Now, fingers crossed that nothing happens to unsort those groups already sorted.
Krista Tippet's Speaking of Faith show today was about Alzheimer's & Being & (among other things) how the disease affects identity. Reminded me of how it bothered me when medical caregivers, etc., would call Dad "John" and sometimes I would say "He's called Bob." He never corrected them, & it probably didn't bother him. It was me who couldn't accept that things were changing & who wanted to hold onto the guy who was "Bob" to those who knew him. Funny how these things occur to you. The show focused on a writing workshop that Alan Dienstag ran for several years for people with beginning Alzheimer's. One of the things they would do is to write down their memories and then hand them over to Dr. Dienstag for safekeeping. Part of the show I didn't catch was "Intimations of the Great Unlearning: Interreligious Spirituality and the Demise of Consciousness Which Is Alzheimer's by Gisela Webb. Perhaps I'll take a look @ the transcript.
Heading out now for a little toddle. 60F right now. Perfect.
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