Thursday, March 8, 2018


Of course I awoke @ 4ish this AM - got up @ 5:30AM, since the body thought it was 11:30AM. Got some early pix of the snow and the trees that came down in the last Nor'easter.

Got back last night from my week in Vienna where I went to see the "jubilee" exhibitions commemorating the centennial anniversary exhibitions of some of my favorite Viennese artists, Klimt, Schiele, et al. The only way the week could have been better was if I'd stayed longer. Also saw/heard the Vienna Symphony (_not_ the Phil as I'd thought - they were in the US last week - go figure) but it was in the Musikverein. I have _never_ heard Brahms 2 played to beautifully. 2nd mvt. moved me to tears it was so lovely.- and I'm not a Brahms fan. Also heard a chamber version of Debussy's Pelleas et Melisande. Btwn the sung French and the German super-titles, I was _almost_ able to figure out what was going on. And not only did the Lufthansa plane leave on time yesterday but they _booked_ it across the pond, shaving 50 minutes off the arrival time. So I only had to walk home from the T in the rain.

And this one from more around sunrise
showing how close it came to the porch

1 comment:

The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells