Unfortunately Potter's sleeping on the chair in front of the other computer so I'll have to send something from this one in the library - it's from the street near Margi & Michael's apt. in Harlem where I spent several days in August @ the flute convention. Sorry for the size - I don't have Fireworks on this machine to filter it down to fewer kilobytes. Feeling a bit better today but think I'm going to clear the decks of appts. tomorrow & Friday to save energy (my own - would take public transportation to & from but who wants to get into an enclosed space with (potentially) other sickees when one's not feeling well? Pas moi as they say in frogland.) Heading out (again) to the Post Office and then to a neighborhood stroll then on to tootle, vacuum, & stitch. One of these days I'm going to tackle that dissertation.
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