From our very own Dakota street (if I remember correctly). From our very own Dakota street (if I remember correctly). <http://tinyurl.com/yd9y2ek> A very blustery day here - though the rain's subsided so I imagine I'll head out for a stroll soon. Then perhaps some laundry (though there's been so much accumulated because of the rain that I don't know that I'll have room to hang it all), tootling & stitching. I'm doing my best to follow Julius Baker's advice that the nearer the performance comes (first - well, only - Nutbuster rehearsal 11.Dec) the slower one practices. It worked pretty well for the Melrose Nov. concert, & he was, after all, flutist with the New York Phil, so, hey, why not? A very blustery day here - though the rain's subsided so I imagine I'll head out for a stroll soon. Then perhaps some laundry (though there's been so much accumulated because of the rain that I don't know that I'll have room to hang it all), tootling & stitching.

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