Feeling somewhat the worse for wear from my trek (2 hours' worth) to & from the sewing machine place - they called Friday re the machine I'd left there saying they were "getting ready to throw it out" and what did I want to do with it. Not exactly the way to win my business. Raining cats & dogs (so far we haven't let any in) so driving was fun.

Off soon to get some caffeine stimulant in my veins to see if I can muster the energy to practice - gotta keep the lip up for the Nutcracker picc stuff next month - not to mention practicing that expletive deleted Bb scale to try to whip it in shape. Gotta say it sounds a lot better on the Keefe which I've decided to name Konjee (a word I heard on Flash Forward - though I'm having a hard time tracking down whether their interpretation of its meaning was correct) or Kiki for short.
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