Here are pictures of Bill & Dale's entryway, street view, and a local spire. The whole of
Forest Hills was designed by Frederick Olmstead, Jr., and Bill & Dale say they feel like they're on some kind of movie set. Originally planned for affordable housing, that went by the by very early on.

Yesterday I went out to the car around 8AM to go to the grocery store only to find the car battery had died. Turns out the
Prius has _two_ batteries - one that powers up the computer that runs the diagnostic to see if the car can start (that lives in the house that Jack built) & the another bigger one that powers the car. Fortunately it was the smaller of the two that had died & fortunate, too, that it happened today & that I didn't discover it @ 6:30PM tomorrow then I was planning to get to Melrose - or worse, at 10PM tomorrow when I was planning to come home. The batteries apparently are like the new digital broadcast signal - you either get it or you don't - no such thing as a fuzzy picture. Unlike regular batteries, that give you some warning that they're failing by cranking for awhile before actually starting the car, these batteries work until they don't, with no indication that they're about to do. :| So I spent a couple hours or so @ the fix it place once we got the battery jump started, had a nice conversation with a woman there (who'd been there since 9:30AM & I showed up sometime after noon - and her car _still_ wasn't ready when I left sometime after 2!) who was also knitting - I got a lot of work done on that sock, I can tell you.
I decided not to practice when I got back and, boy, take one day off and it already shows up in my dreams - last night of sitting in the front row in the orchestra (in other words in full view of the audience) and having the other flutist & I sharing a stand with our music suddenly falling off all over the place during a performance, and the conductor deciding to reprise the entire Shostakovich symphony because he wasn't happy with the way it went the first time. At least I wasn't dealing with the melty flute, which is another performance anxiety dream I commonly have when I've not practiced as much as I think I should. :|
So that's my weekend saga. Could have been worse - could have been raining. :)