Got down on my knees . . . OK enough of that - recognize the song?*
Raining here this AM & weather widget says a high of 50F is forecast -
the snow disappeared literally overnight with some apparently heavy
rain (but who knew? I was sleeping - and, thankfully in a warm(ish)
dry house!). Some chores, tootling & finishing up a vest on my docket
today. Next knitting project will be a cardigan in some lovely Rowan
yarn for my chunky yarn project & I'm not sure what exactly on the
smaller size yarn - I've decided to keep a few projects going on
various weights of yarn just to mix things up - though being a project
polygamist means any one of them takes that much longer to complete -
and if it's a particularly complicated pattern, one has to keep close
notes as to where one left off or it's hell trying to figure out where
you were when you pick it back up after awhile. Speaking of notes,
happy to report those knuckle breakers in Peter & the Wolf &
Prokofiev's Classical symphony are beginning to sound better. Not that
I have to play them soon (thank God) but one want to be prepared. :)
* <http://popup.lala.com/popup/432627069321242532>
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