Someone on Dakota Street obviously thinks this is a good look for a tree. Quite the the blustery day here - with a high of 63F (on Dec. 3!) forecast. Unnatural I calls it! It's apparently 66F outside now so someone goofed. The sun's now pouring through the clouds. I had thought I'd postpone the walk until later, but maybe I'll head out now.
Remember when I said I was doing laundry yesterday? Well, I lied. Since we were forecast to get rain (which we did), I decided I'd wait since I'd be hanging it up (or rather draping it over drying racks) just before the rain moved in. So it's (the laundry's) on the docket for today. That damned Bb scale still eludes me from time to time even @ mm 35 to the 1/8th note. The picc is much more susceptible to movement so I have to push harder against my lip to keep it steady. Since that's not what I usually do, I tend to forget. Fascinating, eh? I should alsways have such problems.
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