I'm jumping ahead with my photo sequence to this morning (and hoping I don't resend this one like I did the pumpkins). :| The overhang makes mail delivery, etc., a little difficult (unless one realizes that one can go up the side steps to get to the porch. Left last night @ 4:30PM, got home @ midnight. Makes the $/hour a little less than overwhelming, but the dinner was good (I was happy to have been given the stuffed chicken entree & not the steak since I don't trust the FDA's mad-cow screening), it was good to see Matthew Doherty, the harpist, & the tunes were fun (except for the really chromatic ones in the fake book since the melody line is so small, my weakening eyes can't decipher them so quickly). And here's hoping mother nature's gotten weekend snow storms out of her system at least until after NEXT weekend when I have to schlep down to Franklin 3 times for rehearsals & performances.
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