Here's a porch detail nearby that caught my eye (internal rhyme anyone?).* Heading out soon for errand running (meds, yarn, cat food, groceries, yadda, yadda, yadda). I discovered yesterday that I managed to leave my 3-ring binder with the picc part to the Tchaikovsky in Franklin so I have to schlep down there on Thurs. Well, at least they found it - I'm pledging to myself to work on some of those licks during the course of the year to _really_ get them nailed down. 42F & partly cloudy here but what do I care, I'll be in a car. (Where DOES one put the question mark in a sentence like that?) Since I've not posted in a couple days, I'm including a couple photos I sent around to my daily email group. 1 of moi @ Melrose & the other another house.
*<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_rhyme> Gotta love a posting with footnotes.

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