Sorry I didn't include this with the curvy house picture yesterday. It's a closeup of the detail on the roof. We're up to 32F now, woo hoo, so I'll head out to deposit the corporate gig check soon. Then I get to stay @ home all day, yippee! Good news, too, since the laundry is to the roof (I exaggerate only slightly), and for some reason we have whore's wool of cat hair all around the house just begging to be vacuumed up (I don't know how I ignore the racket). And of course all the knuckle breakers in the Nutcracker waiting patiently for their daily workout. Once that gig's over, I can settle in for a long winter's nap until January. Of course Dvorak 5 is on the books for the March Melrose concert but a quick look @ that yesterday didn't reveal any particularly hair raising sections (though, goodness knows I could use a few of those) and one never knows what hellish tempo the conductor will take in the fast movements.
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