These from last Christmas Eve. The first is of the baseball field near here (you might recognize it from other postings. The other a very friendly puss who begged me to take her home - I haven't seen her since and can only hope she's safe inside one of the houses on the street by the P.O.
Boy was I confused yesterday - the program @ the BSO was actually Albeniz, Prokofiev & Rimsky-Korsakov. Hilary Hahn played the pants off of P's 1st violin concerto - which I'd never heard - gotta whip out that excerpt - the 2nd mvt. is fiendish! And the concertmaster did a brilliant job in the solos in the R-K. NEXT week is the Mendelssohn & Rossini. Elizabeth Ostling did a haunting rendition of the flute solos in the Albeniz pieces, which were all transcriptions of piano works.

I love the NY Times. Sometimes I can breeze through the arts section with seldom more than a a glance at most of the articles, then there are those issues, like last Sunday's that has an article on California artist Ken Price (who's work I have to admit I was drawn to more for the color than the form, which more often than not just looks like a pile of poop) http://tinyurl.com/yglj97a and http://www.kenprice.com/ and mentions several of his surfer artist contemporaries like Ed Ruscha (whom I'd actually already heard of - and liked http://tinyurl.com/ydq3lpq), Billy Al Bengston http://tinyurl.com/yc3e3uk, Robert Irwin http://tinyurl.com/yzlx4y6, and Larry Bell http://tinyurl.com/yh8t42m, and another article that covered a whole group of artists in their 30s & 40s called Lowbrow Art, or Pop Surrealism or, as the author, John Strausbaugh said, "more accurately Pop Pluralism" http://arrestedmotion.com/category/sculpture/ so of course I had to look them all up, too: Jeff Soto, Scott Musgrove, Kathy Staico Schorr, & Invader http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invader_(artist). Reminded me also of the Oakland Museum's wonderful collection of art about California or by CA artists. http://museumca.org/ And I'm not 1/2-way through the arts section! Best I get off & do something else now.
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