Monday, March 1, 2010

Martians in disguise?

Here are some shots I took the beginning of December. The Martians not on a truck are from the yard of a very interesting house on Waldorf Street in the Ashmont Hill neighborhood. I'd really like to meet the owners.

Melrose rehearsal tonight (and Friday with the concert on Sat.), and if I can get out between the raindrops some toddling & rehearsal-preparatory tootling, in addition to laundry. Since we don't have a dryer, I don't usually like to do laundry when it rains, but we're having rain or have had rain for more than a week - what are we, Seattle? - and the heat will be on so I suppose that'll dry out the house enough.

Oh, and stitching - coming up to the end of the body on that mohair sweater - hope the sleeve openings aren't too big - this being my first raglan . . . well, time will tell.

I heard a show recently, can't remember whether TV or radio about destressing - the suggestion was to ask yourself three questions in any stressful situation: 1. Can I do anything about it? 2. Would other people I know react as strongly as I? 3. Will this matter in 5 years (or something like that). If the answer to any of the 3 is "no" you just have to let it go. I've tried to find a web reference but none's showing up so far that exactly fits the bill, tho this one looks good:

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells