Blissful day of not having to go anywhere - except out for the daily toddle. Laundry should get done. Will it? Stay tuned. Otherwise, boning up on the tricky licks in the Pops stuff & stitching, per usual. Andy's even going to take a walk down to the Ashmont area to cash his last checks from Ramp. No news on that front that he's communicated to me anyway. Tomorrow I head off early to a blood draw & interview with a nutrition study I'm in (and paid a few extra pennies for the privilege, which will be welcome). Then Friday it's acupuncture & maybe a trip to the BSO in the afternoon since they're doing Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade & I don't think I've ever heard it. Sat. I get a Polarity treatment if the practitioner doesn't cancel.
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