Sunday, March 7, 2010

Martians in disguise?

This from 21.Dec.2009. Apparently we had snow the night before.

Happy to say the concert went OK last night, with the occasional brain fart. The koto soloist was stunning in her kimono & my Sat. student & hubby joined us since their car was side-swiped by a hit & run driver (sometime during the night Thurs. so they were safe in bed when it happened - apparently the driver rammed the car parked behind theirs, which plowed into their car & forced it forward into the car in front of theirs. They're hopeful that, since it was around the State House, where there are cameras everywhere - Big Brother, anyone? - that the authorities'll be able to identify the perp.) & is in the shop. Fortuitous, too, that said hubby works for a search engine company (I guess) that has a job Andy might be interested in. So there's another lead. fingers crossed.

I'm taking the day off from practicing - and maybe even laundry, etc., & just going to enjoy myself. Tomorrow PM I head back to Melrose to begin to prepare for the final concert of the season - a pops concert that will include (dreck alert) selections from Cats. Thank the goddess I only have to play one of the orchestra's pops concerts/year. The December (which includes _two_ performances) I'm gainfully employed (at least this year) playing the Nutcracker down in Franklin.

Speaking of faIth this AM interviewed the author of "The Evolution of God" - I was in & out of the car during, so will be heading over to to listen to the .mp3 or read the transcript. One interesting bit I did hear was this:

But what's interesting to me is that the world seems to be set up in such a way that either humans make moral progress in the sense of expanding their conception of compassion and love more broadly or they pay the price of social chaos and collapse. I really think the world is set up that way, and that's why I think it's not crazy to speculate that there's a purpose that merits the term "divine."

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The second day of Christmas

The Young People's Chorus of New York City singing the 12 days of Christmas, and Jingle Bells